Prevalence of Candiduria in a University Campus in Central Nigeria
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Published: 4 March 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
The term ‘candiduria’ refers to the presence of Candida species in the urinary system. The presence Candida species in the urine could mean that the patient has pyelonephritis or cystitis. It also could mean that hematogenous seeding of the kidney cortex has occurred in the course of disseminated candidiasis. This study investigated the prevalence of candiduria among students of Nasarawa State University, Keffi, Nigeria. A total of 56 (38.89%) Candida species was isolated out of 144 samples examined. The prevalence among female students was 46 (57.50%), while the males accounted for 10 (15.63%) of the Candida species isolated. C.tropicalis 24 (30%) was predominantly isolated among the female students, while C. utilis 5 (7.8%) and C. albicans 5 (7.8%) was isolated among the male students. The socio-demographic study also indicates that C. tropicalis was the predominant agent of candiduria among students between ages 16 – 20 year-olds (27.5%), 26 – 30 year-olds (20%), ≥ 31 years (22.2%), and married individuals (25%). However, C. albicans was predominantly isolated among the unmarried (14%) and students between ages 21 – 25 years (12.5%). The study recommends constant surveillance in order to checkmate the spread of infectious diseases.
Keywords: Candiduria, Candida albicans, C. tropicalis, C. utilis

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How to Cite
Tsaku, P. A.,Kaigama, I. S.,Uzoeto, J. S., Didiugwu, C. M., Ajima, J. N. (2019-03-04). "Prevalence of Candiduria in a University Campus in Central Nigeria." *Volume 2*, 1, 48-51